09 Feb | Business and books
Which are the books to read in 2018? Business Insider offers an array of essays on business, career and leadership that absolutely need to be read. The collection includes well-known authors, but also entrepreneurs and researchers. Here are the books that you must pick up in order to avoid running the risk of being cut off.
1. Your best year ever
The essay bears the signature of Michael Hyatt who, in his new book, explains how to establish and achieve ones professional and personal life goals.
2. The right – and wrong – stuff
Carter Cast, a professor at the Kellogg School of Management, defined five career archetypes, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each one.
3. When to jump
The subtitle of Mike Lewis’s book is: “If the job you have isn’t the life you want” ….
4. Skin in the game
Nassin Taleb is back in bookstores with an essay that focuses on risk assessment, retracing the steps of stories ranging from Hammurabi to Donald Trump.
5. The culture code
In order to write his book, Daniel Coyle studied various different teams, such as Pixar andthe Navy Seals, and concluded that the success of a group derives from three variables: security, risk sharing and goal.
6. Great at work
Morten Hansen is a professor of management at the Berkeley University in California. In the book he explains what working smart means and describes his “seven work smarter practises”.
7. Crushing it
Gary Vaynerchuk is the founder of the VaynerMedia advertising agency, and his latest essay is a collection of insights and suggestions.
8. Brotropia
Bloomberg Technology executive producer Emily Chang narrates about how many women risked their careers so as to clear the path for other women.
9. Superconnector
Scott Gerber and Ryan Paugh, the CEO and COO of CommunityCo, offer an alternative to professional networking called “vision-execution-profit”.
10. The truth machine
Wall Street Journalists Michael Casey and Pail Vigna explore the explosive potential of blockchains.