12 Mar Italy- Coronavirus- Updates March 12
Dear All,
As part of Italian Government’s response to the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus, the Prime Minister has issued a new Decree to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus on March 11th, 2020.
The immediate new restrictions that the Italian Authorities have adopted to face, contain, manage and prevent effectively the spreading of the virus are the following:
All shops are closed during the day/night. The only exceptions are listed below:
- Pharmacies and prepharmacies
- Tobacconists
- Supermarkets
- Newsstands
In any case, the security distance between people (at least 1 meter) must be respected.
- All catering (including bars, restaurants, pubs, ice-cream shops, bakeries) are closed. Company canteens can remain open if they are able to guarantee they can keep a distance of at least one meter between customers and workers. Home delivery is allowed. Food shops in petrol stations, train stations, on highways, in airports and hospitals will remain open as long as they can guarantee the security distance of 1 meter.
- Services such as hairdressers and beauty parlors will also be closed.
- Banks, insurance & financial offices will be open with a limited opening hours.
- The agricultural industry will remain active.
- Public transportation (including buses, trains, airplanes) may be reduced or canceled
Public Administration & Immigration
Personnel of the public offices will continue to guarantee the activity but only in smart-working. Exceptions can be adopted only for urgent and essential activities.
Most of the Immigration Offices will remain closed as of today and until April 03rd. appointments for work permit, permits of stay, application and fingerprints are currently suspended and postponed. The Immigration Authorities are contacting the applicant individually to schedule a new date.
Business Activity
- Companies should encourage the smart work activity as much as possible for each category of activity
- Vacations and time off should be encouraged by the employer
- Any activities not related to the production & supply chain must be suspended
- Production and supply activities will be carried out but the security distance between people (at least 1 meter) must be respected
- Any job location must be sanitized based on the dispositions of the Health Ministry
The new measures are valid from March 12, 2020 to March 25, 2020.
Principal Relocation Company is operational and has already implemented the its emergency plan which consists, among other things, to have all staff working from home in smart-working mode; as such we will continue to deliver our services abiding to the Government Decree.
We will continue to monitor the situation and will keep you all informed.
Kind regards,
Gianluca D’Anna
Chef Executive Officer