31 Jan | The World’s best places to retire
The Algarve region, in Portugal, is one of the best places to enjoy your retirement.
The advice is provided by “Live and Invest Overseas” magazine, the point of reference for 1 million and 800 thousand pensioners and American investors. Every year the magazine publishes The World’s best places to retire: a ranking of the best places in the world where to relocate.
The research takes into consideration all the criteria that make the choice to move abroad worthwhile: cost of living, crime, language, entertainment, environmental conditions, healthcare, infrastructure, the cost of real estate and bureaucracy, taxes, and the climate.
“Live and Invest Overseas” also provides suggestion on the Destination Country based on the criteria that interest you the most. Is living costs that interest you the most? Asia is the place where you spend less: Hoi An and Da Nang in Vietnam, Hua In in Thailand and also in Central America in Monción in the Dominican Republic. These are the 4 destinations where a monthly profit of €700,00 is sufficient to rent a beautiful villa with all the comforts.
If you are interested in healthcare, you may consider Algarve in Portugal and Paris in France, where the national health service works efficiently and it is free of charge for local residents. Should you prefer to focus on entertainment and night life, Lisbon and Paris are unbeatable.
What about taxes? The lowest are in Panama. Colombia and Belize are the nations for those who want to live amid nature. For those eager of peace and a natural lifestyle, Algarve in Portugal and Abruzzo in Italy are regions characterized by natural landscapes, country villages, history, delicious food, sea and mountains.