17 Oct | Apple Pay: how it works in Italy
For those who are relocating to Italy, it’s interesting to know that, on the peninsula, there is the possibility of the pay-as-you-go payment system via iPhone “Apple Pay“.
Apple Pay supports:
- Unicredict
- Carrefour Bank
- Boon (the app that lets you recharge a prepaid bank card)
- Mediolanum
- American Express
- CartaBCC
- ExprendiaSmart
- Fineco
- Hype (Electronic Prepaid)
- N26 (a start-up from Berlin that offers smartphone banking services)
- Widiba
Apple Pay turns the iPhone into a credit card. Simply place your phone in proximity of the contactless POS and use the fingerprint reader to be authenticated and make the payment. The service works with iPhone 6 and up, or with Apple Watch.
While online shopping through apps and websites that accept Apple Pay is simple, with the “Touch ID” recognition technology you only have to put your finger on the screen, without filling in registration forms or typing shipping and billing information each time
The system is safe, because card numbers are not stored on the mobile devices or the Apple servers. Each transaction is authorized by a valid dynamic one-time only security code.