
Based on the Covid-19 situation and the economical and relaunch Decree, the Italian Government has issued Law n. 34 on 19 May 2020. The article 103 of the Law establishes some exceptional procedures for:
  • The renewal of Permit of Stay expired starting from 31 October 2019, not renewed nor converted can ask for a 6 months temporary stay permit valid from the application date, and that will be valid only in Italy.
  • The possibility to legalize their stay and any irregular job position. Foreign workers with stay permit accordingly to art 9 of the decree 286 issued on 25 July 1998 can sign a subordinate work contract with foreign citizens in Italy, to declare the existence of an irregular working collaboration. This is applicable to foreigners who have been present in Italy before 8 March 2020 and fingerprinted prior this date without having left Italy after this date.
The job categories that can take advantage of this process are listed below:
  • Domestic helpers/caregivers
  • Workers in the fields of agriculture, fishing breeding, zootechnics, breeding and related activities
The deadline to submit the application is currently extended until August 15th. If you are interested in applying for the Sanatoria, Principal Relocation Company can assist you. Please contact us on to obtain information and quote.

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