01 Mar | BOT and Artificial Intelligence
Lately there has been a lot of talk about chatbots, especially in the Customer ServiceĀ field. By taking advantage of the increasing power of artificial intelligence, users are allowed to interact with the company, exactly as they would do with a customer service agent in the flesh.
Bots are channels that manage the first stages of contact, customer service, use of content and purchases, by acting as mediators between the company and the user.
They now represent a tool for rapid, immediate and convenient interaction for consumers and, as a recent report published by My Clever Agency shows, they seem to have taken off very well, as 84.6% of consumers have adopted this medium to get fast answers to simple questions. In preference, they are in second place, right after actual face-to-face interactions, but are still favoured over e-mail and/or online forms, chats with operators, phone and social media. Other data analysis carried out by My Clever Agency shows that certain features, more than others, push users to adopt this new form of Customer Service. 68% of those interviewed praised the 24-hour service, which has been increasingly requested in many sectors lately; 64% the quick response to simple questions; 51% the immediacy of the service; 50% the convenience offered by this type of support.
There is also: ease of communication (37%), ease in reporting problems (28%) resolution of complaints (18%), and positive customer experience (18%). The customers of the various brands that have already embraced the chatbot solution have done so in hopes of achieving greater effectiveness and satisfaction through: immediate answers; redirects to an assistant best suited to their needs; purchase of clothing or food products; resolution of complaints; subscription to services and mailing lists, and the possibility of making reservations; possibility to make payments; suggestions for future purchases. Used in the right way, chatbots are able to offer companies many advantages: they are suitable for everyone, including those who are not digital services experts; they can incorporate media of all kinds; they are faster than an operator and almost indistinguishable from one (when the codes are written correctly).