16 Jan Regulation on foreign car plates conversion in Italy
From 4th December 2018, with the approval of the new Security Decree, so called “Decreto Sicurezza”, it is prohibited for any person who is resident in Italy for a period longer than 60 days, to drive or hold in Italy a vehicle registered abroad with foreign license plate.
The only exception is for the persons in charge of custody and keeping on board of the vehicle a document, signed by the car holder and with certified date, which states the right to use the car and the duration of this right. This exception is valid only for company cars, with leasing or rental contracts, of a company established in another country within the EU or the European Economic Area, which has not established any secondary or any operational office in Italy. It is also valid in case that the vehicle is granted on loan for use to a person who is resident in Italy and working or cooperating with a company established in a country within the EU or the European Economic Area, which has not established any secondary or any operational office in Italy.
In case of lack of the abovementioned document, the driver will be borne as responsible for the vehicle and will be subject to a fine between Euros 712 and Euros 2.848. The vehicle will be withheld by the public authority at the driver’s expenses and the vehicle shall be register in Italy with an Italian license plate within 180 days from the date of the notification of the infringement.
As a resident in Italy it is as well prohibited to drive the car of a relative, friend or colleague, who live abroad.