11 Mar Italy Coronavirus updates march 11
Dear Partners,
There have been new developments in relation to the current Coronavirus COVID-19 in Italy; here follows a detailed summary:
Italy is increasing the number of doctors, nurses in all medical structures, medical facilities, private clinics. All healthcare personnel will be temporary contracted by public hospitals in order to satisfy the increased medical demand of assistance by the population.
Italy has purchased new 5.000 mechanical ventilation systems to be able to support patients who experience massive respiratory distress.
Italian government has set up emergency numbers in all Italian regions:
- Basilicata: 800 99 66 88
- Calabria: 800 76 76 76
- Campania: 800 90 96 99
- Emilia-Romagna: 800 033 033
- Friuli-Venezia Giulia: 800 500 300
- Lazio: 800 11 88 00
- Lombardia: 800 89 45 45
- Marche: 800 93 66 77
- Piemonte: 800 19 20 20 h24 and 800 333 444 from Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 8:00pm
- Autonomous Province of Trento: 800 867 388
- Autonomous Province of Bolzano: 800 751 751
- Puglia: 800 713 931
- Sardegna: 800 311 377
- Sicilia: 800 45 87 87
- Toscana: 800 55 60 60
- Umbria: 800 63 63 63
- Val d’Aosta: 800 122 121
- Veneto: 800 462 340
Public Utility Number: 1500
Unique Emergency Numbers:
Call 112 or 118 only in case of emergency and only if strictly necessary.
Italian government suggests to not attend medical professional clinics and medical facilities if the patient has flue.
The new decree signed last night by the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, contains more stringent measures to contain the spread of the virus in Italy.
In regard to the impact on daily life, the new Decree dictates the following new instruction:
- All cities and territories within Italy are now considered protected areas. The measures implemented for the previously areas indicated as “red” and “orange zones” have been extended to the rest of Italy. Travel in/out and within Italy is not allowed unless one of the following situations applies:
- Proved job reasons to be justified by the employer and accompanied by a self-declaration signed by the individual. This declaration has to be accepted and verified by the Police authorities
- Serious health reasons
- Returning to its city or town of residence.
All the below measures implemented by the previous Government Decree of March 8, 2020, will remain valid and will be extended to Italian territory. The current new Government Decree will apply from March 10th till April 3rd.
- To subjects with respiratory infection symptoms and fever (higher than 37.5 °C) it is strongly recommended to stay at home and limit social contacts as much as possible and by contacting the family doctor via phone or calling the above listed regional emergency number.
Express recommendation is made to all elderly people or affected by chronic pathologies or with multimorbidity (chronic deceises) or with states of congenital or acquired immunosuppression, to avoid going out from one’s home or dwelling outside of close cases need and still avoid crowded places where it is not possible to maintain the safety distance.
Persons who are in preventive quarantine or have tested positive for the virus cannot move from their home.
Accompanying patients to medical facilities, it is forbidden to stay in the waiting rooms unless specific indications from the medical professionals. Limited access of relatives and visitors to hospitality facilities e long stay assisted healthcare residences (RSA), hospices, rehabilitation facilities and residential facilities for the elderly.
- Schools closed until April 3rd. The teaching activity for schools of all levels, universities and academies is suspended until April 3rd. In any case the possibility of carrying out remote training activities excluding courses for doctors in specialist training and specific training courses in general medicine, as well as the activities of the trainees of the health care system.
- Bars and restaurants open from 6:00am to 6:00pm. The decree introduces opening hours allowed for restaurant and bar services. Provided that the manager is able to comply with the “obligation” to ensure the interpersonal safety distance in the premises, with the sanction of suspension of the activity in case of violation.
- Closed gyms and swimming pools. The decree also establishes the closure of all gyms, swimming pools, spas, ski resorts and wellness centers. Outdoor sports competitions are allowed only behind closed doors without public presence for Olympics athletes.
- Shopping centers will remain closed on the weekends. Other commercial activities other than catering may remain open only if they are able to guarantee a distance of one meter between customers. Closing is not arranged for pharmacies and general stores food, whose manager is called to guarantee the respect for the safety distance. The access to any shop, supermarket, shopping center, bars, leisure facilities is subject to access restrictions in order to guarantee the security distance of one meter.
- All organized events are also suspended. As well as events in public or private places, including those of a cultural, recreational, sporting and religious nature, even if held in closed places but open to the public, such as large events, cinemas, theatres, pubs, discos and similar places.
Civil and religious ceremonies, including funerals and weddings are suspended throughout the country.
Medical congresses, conferences, meetings and events involving healthcare personnel are also suspended.
- Anticipate holidays. Whenever possible, employers are advised to encourage the use of ordinary leave or holidays. Ordinary leave of health personnel is suspended, as well as the staff whose activities are necessary to manage the activities required by the crisis units established on a regional level.
- In order to keep the security distance. Social and any other forms of aggregation is not advised.
- Driving license exams taking place at the Motorizzazione Civile will also need to be postponed and management is willing to do special provision in favor of candidates who will not be able to take the exam because of the suspension
- Public transport companies will have to take extraordinary means of disinfecting vehicles.
Principal will monitor the situation and will continue to keep you all informed.
Kind regards,
Gianluca D’Anna
Chief Executive Officer