16 Apr | European Blue Card for Italy
Posted at 13:01h
in Blog
Art. 27 – Quarter of Law Decree n. 286/98 provides the option for highly qualified workers to enter into Italy, outside the annual quota mechanism and be hired directly by an Italian company or employer.
The main requirements and conditions for obtaining an EU Blue card are as follows:
- Italian Employment Contract
- Job Offer/Contract for a minimum of 12 months
- High specialized work to be carried out
- Minimum salary should be at least three times that of the standard minimum salary in Italy
- Obtaining the Dichiarazione di Valore from the Italian Consulate in the country of Residence
Although this law was introduced some time ago, it was mostly “neglected” by several immigration authorities and the entire process proved extremely challenging for the applicants. It has now been officially implemented and is being processed across Italy widespread at the various immigration offices. If you think you are eligible for a Blue Card or would like more information about it, please contact us.