30 Mar | How To Import Your Car Into Italy
Posted at 13:00h
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Foreign nationals who take up residency in Italy (proof of residency must be shown), must register any vehicle that they bring in from abroad within twelve months of becoming an Italian resident.
Car Registration is a long and arduous procedure, requiring about five to six months to gather the documents, and up to ten months to complete the entire process.
- At the beginning, you can bring your car / motorcycle into Italy on its foreign plates, documents, and insurance.
- To register a foreign used car in Italy, it must first pass a test to ensure it conforms to Italian safety standards. A safety certificate will be issued to show that the vehicle meets national standards. For information concerning the test, you will need to contact the local Department of Motor Vehicles (Ufficio Provinciali della Motorizzazione Civile).
- The Ufficio Provinciale della Motorizzazione Civile will review and approve the original documentation that will need to be translated by the relevant Italian Authority, together with any other documentation that they may request.
- The Ufficio Provinciale della Motorizzazione Civile will contact you in order to do carry out the safety standard test for the vehicle.
- The final step of the importation process will be carried out at the Public Vehicle Register (Pubblico Registro Automobilistico/PRA).
- After that, the Bollo (Car Tax) will need to be paid and you will need to choose an insurance company to cover the car / motorcycle.