25 Jan | Elections in Italy. March, 4, 2018: how Italians abroad can vote
On Sunday March 4, 2018, Italians will go to the polls to elect members of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The election will be held on a single day, with polling stations open from 7.00am until 11.00pm, with vote-counting immediately after closing. Citizens residing abroad are also entitled to cast their vote.
1)Voters temporarily abroad and not enrolled with AIRE (Register of Italians Resident Abroad).
Italians temporarily resident abroad for 3 to 12 months for purposes of study, work, medical treatment or religious reasons, may vote by requesting the Option to vote by post in the overseas electoral district from their Municipality of residence by January 31, 2018.
This form should be completed and sent by email, certified email or fax to the Electoral Office of the relevant Municipality.Once receipt of the application, by February 14, 2018, the Consular Office of the foreign country will forward the voting kit to the applicant’s address.
Voters between the ages of 18 and 24 will receive the ballot paper for the House of Representatives, while voters aged 25 and over will receive both House of Representatives & Senate.
Ballot papers must be closed, put into the envelope and sent or retuned to the Consulate Electoral Office by and no later than 4.00pm on March 1, 2018.
Voters who do not receive the kit at their overseas residence by February 18, 2018 may go to the Italian Consulate in person and request a duplicate.
2) Voters not enrolled with AIRE (Register of Italians Resident Abroad) who have been living abroad from more than 12 months.
In order to exercise their right to vote by post in the 2018 general election, voters who have lived permanently in a foreign country for more than 12 months should enroll with AIRE– (Register of Italians Resident Abroad) by January 31, 2018 via this link http://dait.interno.gov.it/elezioni: the procedure is quick and free of charge.
Following enrollment, the Consulate will send the voting kit to the overseas address of the applicant, who can then vote in the manner and within the time limits indicated.
3) Voters enrolled with AIRE (Register of Italians Resident Abroad)
They will receive the kit at their home address and may vote in the manner and within the time limits indicated.