29 Dec | Italian A Language is Forever!
As Marlene walks past her neighborhood vegetable store she cheerfully asks the owner Mario -“Come Stai”, to which he replies, “Molto bene e tu?”. Marlene answers, “Anch’io molto bene!” as she hurries to catch the metro to go to work.
Being able to communicate in the local language of a new work destination is essential with regards to being able to settle in faster and with more confidence, which ultimately makes an assignment much more successful and the investment more worthwhile.
Learning another language brings enormous value and satisfaction to one’s life. When you learn the language of another country, you automatically open up new avenues of communication with the people who have that language as their mother tongue. It has also been shown that learning a new language also improves how one writes, reads and speaks in their own mother tongue as well as increasing overall cognition.
There are also tangible economic benefits to learning another language. Individuals that speak other languages, especially languages of emerging markets, are able to position themselves much better for pay increases and better paying jobs due to their linguistic capabilities.
Learning a new language need not be tiresome or boring. At Principal Relocation Company, we have made sure that our courses are taught in a stimulating and motivational fashion by qualified teachers in order to guarantee that the student absorbs as much of the new language as quickly as possible.
Principal Relocation Company provides Italian course covering the following levels:
- Beginner (Approximately 90 hours required for completion)
- Elementary (Approximately 90 hours required for completion)
- Pre-Intermediate (Approximately 90 hours required for completion)
- Intermediate (Approximately 90 hours required for completion)
- Upper-Intermediate (Approximately 90 hours required for completion)
- Advanced (Approximately 90 hours required for completion)
Please note that the hours indicated above are only an estimate for the average student to complete each level. How quickly a student learns a new language also depends on their own mother-tongue, other languages spoken, context in which the new language will be used, as well as a student’s motivation and dedication to learning the new language.
In order to recommend the most appropriate didactic program, a detailed assessment will be carried out before the student’s course begins by our Director of Studies in order to ascertain: the individual’s starting level, objectives, and any possible challenges. After this step has been completed, the student can opt to follow an individual or group course (if available) on an intensive or standard basis.