10 Apr Quota Decree 2019
The Italian Government has finally issued the Quotas Decree for 2019. The decree has been published on the Official Gazette n. 84 of 09/04/2019 (publishing the President of the Council Ministries’ Decree law number D.P.C.M. 12/03/2019) and the “click-day” is approaching:
- 16th April h. 09.00: non-seasonal workers and conversions of the Permits of Stay
- 24th April 2019 h. 09.00. seasonal workers
The Italian Labour & Social Politics Ministry and Ministry of External Affairs are currently working on the implementing regulation that will provide the basic information and the guideline on the process to follow to submit the Quota’s application and it will be issued shortly.
In the meantime, the D.P.C.M. 12/03/2019 explains which categories of workers are included in the 2019 Quota’s Decree and the nationalities allowed to apply for the Quotas.
The total number of Non-EU nationals admitted for work reasons in Italy is 30.850 divided as follows:
18.000 places are reserved to the seasonal work (agriculture and tourism)
12.850 places for subordinate work (non-seasonal), self-employment and Permit of Stay conversion
As usual, the distribution of the Quota is subject to the type of activity that the individual intends to carry out in Italy, the nationality and the geographical area of application.
Categories of activity included in the Quota’s Decree
- Conversion of Permits of Stay (i.e from study into subordinate/autonomous work)
- Self-Employed workers (i.e. start-up companies, international artists, managers of companies, economist who will bring beneficial know-how to the Italian Government)
- Subordinate workers & Caregivers (having Italian origin from one of the parents until the third level of direct descendants and resident in Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela and Brazil) – only 100 Quotas reserved for this category
- Individuals who have completed an official training program abroad –
Nationalities & Categories included in the Quota’s Decree (18.000 quotas for seasonal work)
- Citizens of Albania – Algeria – Bosnia Herzegovina – Korea – Ivory Cost – Egypt – El Salvador – Ethiopia – Ex Republic of Yugoslavia of Macedonia – Philippines – Gambia – Ghana – Japan – India – Kosovo – Morocco – Mali – Mauritius – Moldova – Niger – Nigeria – Senegal – Serbia – Sri Lanka – Sudan – Tunisia – Ukraine.
- Bangladesh and Pakistan are excluded from the Quotas for seasonal work (for the non-deal between the relevant Government and the Italian Government in signing an Agreement on the Migration Control)
- The 18.000 Quotas for seasonal work are limited to the Tourism sector and the Agricultural sector (the national labour contract offered to the individuals must be officially listed in the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs).
- 2.000 Quotas of the total 18.000 Quotas are reserved for seasonal workers with multiple-year contracts (max. 3 years Permit of Stay). This “long-term” seasonal Quotas can be requested by the individuals who have entered Italy for subordinate work at least 1 time in the previous 5 years.
9.850 Quotas are assigned to the Permit of Stay’s conversion and 2.400 to the Autonomous/Self-employment activity.
Conversion of Permit of Stay (PSE)in the “subordinate work” category
- 4.750 Quotas for individuals in possession of a PSE for seasonal work
- 3.500 Quotas for individuals in possession of a PSE for study, internship & training
- 800 Quotas for individuals in possession of an EU long term Residence Permit issued by any other European Country
Conversion of Permit of Stay (PSE) in the “autonomous work” category
- 700 Quotas for individuals in possession of a PSE for study, internship & training
- 100 Quotas for individuals in possession of an EU long term Residence Permit issued by any other European Country
Quotas for Autonomous Work & Categories
- Business Owners who intend to set up a business in Italy (investing a minimum of Eur 500.000,00 and offering at least 3 new job positions)
- Self-employment individuals belonging the professional registered categories or whose activity is recognized by the Public Administration
- Legal Representatives or Office-Holders as per instructions provided in the Decree n. 850 of 11/05/2011
- International artists engaged by the Public Administration or by private companies (in line with the requirements of the Decree n. 850 of 11/05/2011)
- Individuals intending to start-up a business in Italy (as established by the Law n. 221 of 17/12/2012)
How to apply for your Quota?
The application for the Quotas must be submitted through the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs https://nullaostalavoro.dlci.interno.it
As of April 11th the templates for the fill out of the online applications will be available (click-day: 16-04-2019 for subordinate work, autonomous work and conversion PSE & 24-04-2019 for seasonal work).
Please, remember that you need to have your SPID Credentials to access to the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs https://nullaostalavoro.dlci.interno.it
Principal Relocation Company is an official accepted and registered Company with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and can support you with your Quotas application.
Dealing with the Quota system is not easy, and it is a definitely time-sensitive process. Contact us at enquiries@principalrelocation.com for further information and assistance!