12 Jul When you look at a situation, what do you see?
We have all found ourselves in situations where everything seems to take a direction that is very apparent to us, or that clearly has a logical or well-defined explanation. In these cases, when comparing our views with those of the other people involved, we often find ourselves disagreeing with them, not understanding their reasons or from what perspective they are observing said situation.
What do you see? What will you pay the most attention to? What are you not seeing?
Certainly, just by listening to the people we have in front of us, we can discover something different that we had not considered, thus acquiring more information regarding the situation of interest, which makes the picture more complete.
Validating one’s opinion (as a piece of truth) while also taking into consideration that of others (as an additional piece of truth) makes all the difference and allows the pieces to fall into place in order to have a more realistic picture regarding the truth about the situation.
What happens when we observe things in a detached manner by putting ourselves in other people’s shoes?
Shifting points of view often leads to looking at the situation differently.
In order to do this, we need to “let go” of our point of view regarding the situation and ask ourselves different questions.
From what perspective am I observing the situation? From what perspective are others observing it?
What aspect is important to me? What aspect is important to others? How do I evaluate the two aspects?
When a situation creates discord, often the triggering reason lies in our expectations, which are sometimes unclear to others, thus making us feel as though they have been disregarded. The lack of clarity is certainly a shared responsibility, and one can build on this in order to overcome the difficulties of the moment.
What can happen when expectations are disregarded?
Displeasure or anger can make us react in a negative manner, as one only thinks of the situation in a subjective rather than objective manner. Quarrelling ensues, which leads to nothing good and actually makes people grow further apart. Taking time sometimes proves to be the best choice.
Waiting in silence can be a great tool in order to reflect and shift one’s point of view.
Time puts emotions in check, silence shifts the focus to listening. Pain and anger are sedated and listening allows us to acknowledge everything we need to consider.
Too often we listen only to respond without understanding what the other person is communicating to us.
The topic should be centred on this, on the doubt that, in our emotional rush to speak, we are losing sight of something that could be important.
If you insist in the direction of wanting to support your thesis at all costs, without listening to and evaluating that of others, it may be interesting to ask yourself what you are fighting for and what you want to achieve.