15 Feb | Milan: the largest gigabit society lab in Europe
You will be able to oversee the status of your crops, irrigate the fields automatically and interact with the plants, monitoring their progress minute by minute and simultaneously reducing the environmental impact. You will be able to send the parameters of patients in distress directly from the ambulance to the medical staff of the hospital, who will be able to follow them and formulate a diagnosis (cutting in half the emergency room queues). It will be possible to manage the mini-vehicles that will bring us the goods we ordered online with a single electronic brain.
This is the internet of things, and works through a 5G network. As of this year, at least in Milan, all this will no longer be a thing of the future, it is the present. This infrastructure will cover 80% of the population by the end of the year and 100% in 2019, or at least this is what has been foreseen by the Municipality and Vodafone, the giant winner of the tender of the Ministry of Economic Development for the Milan metropolitan area. But what exactly is this ultra-rapid signal? It is a data sending/receiving system so fast it can also be installed in auto-piloted cars. These are technologies that are based precisely on the immediacy of response, so as to avoid collisions.
In addition to transport, there are a total of 41 other fields of interest for which Vodafone has paired up with Mise, in order to transform the new network into an added value for social development. Security and tourism are also included. Tourism 4.0 is another goal: the experience of the visiting tourist, or of the local out to re-discover their own city, can be extended through the use of the Augmented Reality, which will help them discover, while on the move and in an “immersive” way, new or historical perspectives of the artistic heritage. This is how Milan becomes “the largest gigabit society lab” in Europe.