26 Apr Over 50% of the mobility in Naples and Milan is “green”
More and more people are choosing non-polluting means of transport to move around the city, whether it be by bicycle, electric powered public transport, including urban trains, or simply by going on foot. However, only two Italian provincial capitals reach laudable percentages in terms of “green” means of transport: Milan (52% of movements) and Naples (50% of movements).
Within the next ten years, the local public transport of Milan will be completely electric. Currently, the offer of public transport in the metropolitan city is significant, both in terms of size (650 million passengers per year) and the predominance of electric traction, which covers 74% of the offer, with 960 metro/subway cars, 535 trams and trolleybuses in service and 30 electric and hydrogen buses.
In Rome the situation is reversed: only 20% of daily mobility is done by electric means, at zero emissions, on foot or by bicycle, and only 27% of Romans choose to use public transport, bikes or carpooling. In Florence the percentages are even worse: 17% of the mobility is green and 26% of the trips are shared – whether by car or public transport – or by bicycle.
The overall situation is not at all optimal: only eight capitals can count on over 40% of green mobility. Among these cities we find Bologna, Pisa, Parma, Treviso and Ferrara.
This data come from the report “The electric cities”, the first dossier on zero-emission mobility in Italy, created by Legambiente in collaboration with MotusE (association for electric mobility).